What a great song. I love the fiddle parts...and the banjo parts...and the autoharp (?) parts...and the harmonica parts.

Basically it sounds great!

If I could book you guys for Grateful Fred's I would.

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Man, I sure wish we had a way to do that. We'd absolutely LOVE to do Grateful Fred's! We're all such fans of your work. :)

And, of course, thanks for the kind words, as always. BTW, if you'd like to hear more from the same evening, here's a little chunk from The Flood's appearance on MftM, the show we did that night before we recorded the theme song. :)


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Thanks for the link Charles. Was it an autoharp I heard on the track by the way?

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Yes, indeed! The late David Peyton, who formed the band with me back in <cough, cough> 1974, was our master (and rather unorthodox) Autoharpist. Here's a 2-minute snippet of an interview with Brother Dave on a show in Lexington, Ky., back in 2009 that you might enjoy. :)


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