About The 1937 Flood
Dozens of musicians have been members of The 1937 Flood over the years since it stumbled into existence nearly a half century ago.
“The Flood doesn't rest on its laurels as West Virginia's most eclectic string band,” writer Dave Lavender once noted when he was still writing for The Huntington Herald-Dispatch. “Born in the 1970s when Dave Peyton and Rog Samples began picking with Charlie Bowen, the whole thing kicked into a higher gear when Dave and Charlie met Joe Dobbs in the spring of 1975. Since then, The Flood has played gigs with everyone from the Huntington Symphony Orchestra to Marshall University tailgate parties.”
The repertoire of the band -- which these days features Charlie, along with Doug Chaffin, Sam St. Clair, Vanessa Coffman and Randy Hamilton -- ranges from folk classics of John Prine and Bob Dylan to the blues of Mississippi John Hurt to swing and jazz tunes of the 1930s and '40s and beyond.
"Throw in some Dixieland jazz, some Irish fiddle tunes, a great sense of humor, some pure mountain melodies from the likes of such state treasured songwriters as Hazel Dickens and yes by God … you got the 1937 Flood," added Lavender.
Telling the Stories of Flood Then and Flood Now…
So, The 1937 Flood Watch newsletter — in concert with The Flood’s expansive website (1937flood.com) — is devoted to the band’s latest activities (podcasts, shows, videos, albums, etc.), but also to preserving and sharing its five decades of Floodishness.
Check out The Timeline
If you’d like an overview of the half century history of the band, check our “Timeline” feature:
If You’re New to the Newsletter …
You’re as welcome as you can be. We’re hoping this thing has a long life as a kind of sharing / gathering place for Flood folk. Have fun with it! Browse and search the archives, read some of the earlier posts. Take in some audio and video clips, and then, hey, give us your own thoughts in comments and replies. Look for email alerts about new entries each week, and feel free to share with your friends any of the articles we post here. Here are some tips on how to read, write and share Flood Watch stuff.
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